7 steps to kill the rush against time

Haylo good people! How are you? What’s up? Must be very busy in your daily schedules-ehh?? Yeah yeah, I understand. Otherwise, what else could be the reason that I bunked for over a month from this mini-world of mine? How a week’s break can spread over a month, how getting back to routine can become such a task, how one never gets time for the fitness regime, reading, and all the other things, you can ever imagine for a quality life-I understand that … quite well.

Now, if you are nodding your heads in affirmation and feeling so eased that someone could comprehend your plight, then hold on for a second. I am not going to spoil you guys by saying that “yes, it’s not possible in this era to manage time for so many things in mere 24 hours”. After all, everybody has only 24 hours, still people do wonders. Then why should we give up?

I don’t want to end up fretting over ‘no time at all’ and so must you be feeling deep in your hearts. Chalo not deep down, but somewhere there in a corner? Please allow me to share the steps I recently identified and followed to drag myself out of a phase where I was totally out of sync, and are helping me overcome the sick rush against time and rather stride with it:

1. Stay Organized

How many times has this happened to you? You require some document saved long back and get something done-whether it’s at office or at home. And then, you spend hours searching for that tiny piece of paper? Sounds familiar? Then read this carefully. Although, it might be the 98765th time you are reading the phrase ‘Stay Organized’, even then, keep your eyes wide open and trust me for this. Put your things in order. Simple and clutter-free space is the mantra. As they say ‘Everything in place, place for everything’. Once you do that, I ‘m sure you’ll save much time that gets lost in arranging things and finding them every single time.

2. Planning:

‘Don’t waste time in planning. Plans don’t work’– this is also one of the schools of thought, in spite of so much literature that favors planning as an effective practice. Plans often don’t work because situations change, surprises come up. But that’s where back up plans come into picture. At least you get to do things, as you chose them to. So plan things in advance, even the slightest details; let the plans be as exhaustive as possible-it reduces the chances of error. Devote time to planning and see how quick you accomplish things.

3. Priorities:

Now don’t look for a checklist or a format ready-made for you. Take out your own scales for your priorities and make some effort to measure the importance or urgency of things in your life. Only then you can take smart decisions of devoting your precious time. Get rid of the things and activities, that don’t matter.

Heard about the Pareto Principle or the 80-20 rule? 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. Hence, focus 80% of your time and energy on the 20% that matters. Don’t just “work smart”, work smart on the right things.

4. Delegate:

Nobody is a Superhuman. People know you have the capability, and even if they don’t know-why worry? The point is in getting things done without overburdening yourself. Get adequate help/assistance of the right people in your tasks, it lends you a smarter hand. Your capacities just increase many folds, as you’re able to focus on more important things. Definitely it calls for letting go a few details and give up perfectionism (I can feel how difficult it is). But it also helps you sharpen your people skills. So it’s a total win-win situation-Just Go Ahead.

5. Avoid distractions:

Emails, feeds, futile tensions, phone calls or any other unimportant thing that gets you off the track is nothing, but mere distraction in whatever you are doing. Keep them aside when something important is going on. Instead dedicate hours with least distractions, to the most important tasks. That’s one of the reasons, why early mornings are remarkably productive.

6. Keep your cool:

With blood pressure soaring all heights, heart palpitating like a bass drum-isn’t it a matter of common sense that you will end up your day getting all drained out, all exhausted? And now, if you are saying yes, then do I need to mention further that keeping your cool can help you sustain longer, work bigger and perform better? So by all means, Take Things Easy.

7. Recharge:

And above all, don’t miss any little chance to refresh, rejuvenate and celebrate life. Work hard, work smart but make conscious attempts to refuel your batteries. By all means, your productivity will increase much more than you can imagine, the hurried times will squeeze genuinely.

December is already here; the whole year has gone by and don’t know how many more will pass by without even budging the things lying in our wish-list. In order to check them off and do things that really matter, anyhow, one needs to fit them in the daily schedules, wherever possible.

How are your struggles against time going? Have you been able to overcome them so far? Would love to hear!!!

9 thoughts on “7 steps to kill the rush against time

    1. Thanks Prikshit….I know, these are the two things where often it’s a tug-of-war between head and heart. That’s why, we know all this but doing it in actual, becomes a task 🙂


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